We at BACKSTROM iMPACT are driven by the desire to make a difference. Our goal is to create value and promote growth for individuals, teams and organisations. All our initiatives are tailored to meet the identified needs and are based on scientific principles and proven methods.
A course in Developmental Leadership (UL) is aimed at managers and leaders who wish to develop their leadership skills. UL is a conceptual training programme developed by the Swedish Defence University. It is based on research on transformational leadership, characterised by mutual influence, open dialogue, relationship-building, and a present leadership style with a focus on long-term sustainability.
UL enhances the leader’s ability to act as a role model, show care, inspire, and motivate their employees. A developmental leader fosters motivation by communicating core values, acting as a role model, and taking responsibility. Furthermore, they support their employees, confront challenges, and encourage participation and creativity.
The purpose of UL is to develop the participant by:
I have been introduced to theories and methods, and, along with feedback from my employees, I have received support to develop as a leader.
- Operations Manager
A course in Indirect Leadership (IL) is aimed at managers and leaders at higher organisational levels. IL is a conceptual training programme developed by the Swedish Defence University and the result of research on managers who lead other managers (indirect leadership).
The forms of leadership and the challenges faced by managers and leaders vary depending on their organisational level. An IL course provides understanding and tools for building trust, confidence, engagement in WHAT and WHY, as well as involvement throughout the entire organisation. IL raises awareness of the concepts of action-oriented and image-oriented influence, which relate to communication and the importance of tailoring messages to the target audience. Communicating from a WHY perspective, rather than just WHAT and HOW, is central to an IL course.
The goal of an IL course is for participants to understand how interaction occurs with managers at different/lower organisational levels and how this affects employees and the organisation as a whole.
For me, the most important insight has been understanding the need for a shared vision within the management team regarding the 'why,' 'what,' and 'how' questions. Above all, I want to improve at communicating the underlying purpose behind our decisions that impact many within the organisation.
- Executive Director
Through individual coaching, you are offered a professional sounding board with a focus on leadership. You will have the opportunity to develop based on your own circumstances and the needs you have in relation to the operations you manage and are responsible for.
Individual coaching covers all the issues a leader faces, such as leadership-related, business strategic, and operational questions. The goal is to create better conditions for gaining insight, unlocking motivation, and achieving new goals.
We also offer a more exclusive form of coaching, where the professional coach provides a very high level of availability based on the needs that arise.
The scope and format of individual coaching are always tailored to the specific needs of the client.
I always feel both lighter and happier after a conversation with Christel. It is as if my shoulders drop, and I feel less stressed after speaking to her about the leadership challenges I face.
- Senior Manager
In the work of developing governance and management within organisations, it is essential to start with the management team. With support from research and process-oriented methods, we work with tailored interventions to enhance the effectiveness of the management team. This includes ensuring that all members of the management team have a shared understanding of the organisation's vision, direction, and goals, as well as the management team's purpose and responsibilities – and recognising that these may differ from one another.
Management teams have unique conditions compared to other groups within an organisation. As a foundation for management team development, we recommend using MTAM, a scientifically developed tool specifically designed for management teams. Using MTAM to map the management team's capabilities provides a strong basis for its continued development and progression.
MTAM is based on the management team members assessing the team's capabilities, which generates valuable insights to identify the interventions that will most benefit the specific group. The results of the assessment highlight the group's WHAT and HOW questions, as well as the degree of alignment around these. The group conducts three assessments in total: a baseline measure, a value reflecting progress, and a final measure that shows the team's new capabilities as a result of the management team development process.
It has been so important for us, as the management team, to have time to develop as a group. Measuring our progress through MTAM has been very valuable.
- Senior Manager
The strength of the employees is central to an organisation's success. When employee engagement and leadership interact, significant value is created for the individual, the team, and the organisation. Employee engagement and leadership are context-dependent and develop through interaction with the environment. Training in Developmental Employee-ship is based on research and proven methods.
When leaders and employees apply developmental behaviours and manage to find ways to communicate with each other, understanding is created. This lays the foundation for trusting relationships, which in turn fosters a positive work environment and strong organisational results.
Christel Bäckström is one of Sweden's most experienced consultants in Developmental Employee-ship (UM). In recent years, we have delivered a large number of tailor-made training programmes in Developmental Employee-ship in both small and large organisations, across private and public sectors, with interventions ranging from short to longer durations. Often, these initiatives have included specific interventions for leaders alongside programmes for all employees within an organisation.
The strength of an organisation lies in its people. Communication is central, alongside actions, in order to both thrive and perform for those or that the organisation exists to serve.
Employee engagement is a matter that concerns us all, and it is very positive that everyone is provided with a common foundation for future efforts.
- Participant, course in Developmental Employee-ship
We offer tailor-made lectures on the topic of communication. Below are examples of different areas in which we have delivered process-oriented lectures with a high degree of interaction with the participants:
Impactful communication in an organisation
How communication and interaction impact customers
Public sector organisations wishing to improve their communication with businesses and the corporate sector
We offer coaching in individual public speaking training, where you have the opportunity to practise and prepare for an impactful performance. This involves both preparation work, such as planning time and training, as well as influencing your mindset. You will learn the fundamentals of both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as how to build a coherent structure and a clear narrative thread in your message. Additionally, you will learn how to engage your audience, evoke emotions, and how your personal style can enhance your message. The use of your voice, body language, and the space/stage will also be covered.
Receiving individual support to improve my presentations on stage has been crucial for my development, and I am no longer nearly as nervous.
- Sales Executive
Today, much work is carried out collaboratively in groups, and the more complex a task, the greater the need for cooperation. A well-functioning team, where all members feel secure, respect each other, and value each other's diverse perspectives—what is often referred to as collective intelligence—has a strong foundation for contributing to the success of the organisation. With greater knowledge of group dynamics, there are increased opportunities to develop in the right direction, improving performance and fostering engagement and job satisfaction. Our initiatives are based on research on group development and the essential elements required to build an effective team.
Examples of different types of groups we work with include:
The most important insight for me has been gaining an understanding of how group development processes work, as well as having the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our team—both in terms of our current state and how we envision moving forward.
- Employee
We have extensive experience in supporting organisations with WHAT issues, also known as the hard aspects of an organisation, such as structure, strategy, planning, and plans that benefit organisational development. This work needs to be aligned with the organisation's softer HOW aspects, such as communication and the development of leaders, employees, and teams. Below are examples of what we offer:
Analyses and plans related to organisational development and change initiatives, such as business plans
We also assist with visions, goals, and strategies
Sales processes and exploring new markets for small businesses, such as the public sector (procurement)
Project development, project design, and project management processes
Translations and business plans for international ventures
Research work for tasks such as mapping needs for development initiatives, such as a GAP analysis or current state analysis
Support in change management and transformation processes
Initiatives to strengthen and develop workplace culture
Everything we produce is offered in both Swedish and English.
Thank you for a very good and rewarding lecture on the theme 'Working in Constant Change.' The employees thought it was excellent and appreciated the clear connection between what we did in the morning and the lecture in the afternoon.
- Manager
We have extensive experience in international development projects, innovative partnerships, and external funding from both governmental agencies and foundations. We offer consultancy services to:
Organisations and businesses seeking external funding and implementing development projects or strategic partnerships with other organisations.
We can provide advisory support during the project development phase when funding applications are being prepared.
We can provide support to the project team or management group during project implementation to ensure that the project objectives are achieved. This may include operational contributions such as evaluations, analyses, or drafting of the final report.
We can provide analyses and propose strategies for sponsorship collaborations.
Project and process management courses tailored for externally funded projects in general, but also specialised expertise in leading and delivering training (courses) for EU-funded projects.
We received valuable consultancy support to strengthen the collaboration and relationship with our strategic partners.
Recent research on employee engagement and leadership highlights the importance of having strategies to manage stress. Studies also show that strong stress management skills align with effective leadership. We are licensed in the Mcog method, a scientific tool for reducing stress.
Through the Mcog method, we provide both knowledge and practical training in managing anxiety to reduce internal stress, thereby creating the conditions for each participant to develop effective stress management skills. Below are some examples of what we offer:
Through the Mcog method, we take a preventive approach to stress based on the latest neuroscientific research,
,creating the conditions for better health for each employee/leader and a more sustainable work environment.
This was truly life-changing for me.
- Particiapant in the Mcog workshop